sábado, 27 de abril de 2019

Mercedes Benz vs Jaguar

Some years ago a small series of adverts from Mercedes and Jaguar rose up.  It all
started with Mercedes claiming their cars had maximum stability by holding a
chicken at rotating it, in case you don’t know birds can keep their heads
still, even with a lot of movement, and so the chicken held its head still.
Jaguar then replied by essentially saying who needs stability when you have power, showing the chicken feathers slowly fall, as if it had been attacked by a Jaguar. The last advert was from Mercedes, calling Jaguar a cat, by having a cat on top of a Mercedes and having it walk off.

I really liked these adverts. They were funny and they showed the rivalry that car brands have on races like the 24 h Le Mans. The first advert, from Mercedes, was funny and also innovative.          
I had never seen an advert using a bird’s ability to keep its head still,   the consequent replies were also really funny, although not as innovative.

In my opinion, those commercials didn’t really have anything bad, they were simple and short, which made them more enjoyable to watch than typical adverts.

In conclusion, the commercials were funny and enjoyable to watch, and also showed some of the racing rivalry, but indeed a healthy rivalry.

Diogo Nunes, 11º C

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