sábado, 7 de maio de 2011

Prepare one of the articles to retell it! 10º B

The article we chose is called "The 34th Miner". It is about how President Piñera helped these 33 miners to get out of the mine and is describing how they got stocked in the mine, the life inside of it and how they got out.

Gabriel Abreu
Ana Alves
Catarina Moiçó
Gonçalo Lopes

Browsing newspapers 10º B


feature article
home news
foreign news
weather forecast
sports news
tv listings

Mariana Monteiro
Leonor Matias
Heloísa Galante

Browsing magazines 10º A

It has a modern and appealing cover. The articles refer to very actual subjects and overall culture. It advertises really expensive products. In the cover we find the face of Libya's dictator Muammar Gaddafi, the man featured in the main article. The majority of the articles focus on politics, however it also displays articles on economy, health, science and culture.

Gonçalo Coutinho
Manuel Anacleto
Lourenço Lúcio
Patrícia Almeida