quarta-feira, 24 de abril de 2019

Dacia Duster - Another One Drives a Duster

Dacia advert for the latest version of the Duster car shows the car being
driven through a beautiful landscape, through valleys and mountains on the most
amazing sunny day. 

The next thing they show is the interior of the car with a happy family, the man is driving, and whilst that is in shot you hear someone speaking about the car, giving a lot of information about it.
Throughout the whole commercial you can hear a song in the background, which is a remix of the song “Another one bites the dust”, by Queen, but changing it to “Another one drives the Duster”, which is a really clever way of changing the words to promote the product.
The only thing that I didn’t enjoy was the fact that nothing else happens, as there isn’t a story, it’s just that. 
I wish they would have been a bit more creative, it would have made the commercial more interesting. 
To conclude, I did enjoy the commercial mainly because of the choice of the song, which was a really good idea.

Leonor Henriques, 11º B

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