sábado, 16 de abril de 2016

Cruise journey to Northern Europe

One of the most memorable journeys I've ever made took place during the Summer of 2014 when I went on a cruise ship journey to Northern Europe.
On the 12th July 2014, I, my grandmother, my grandfather and my brother boarded on a plane to Arlanda Airport, 40 km away from Stockholm, Sweden. Our flight was at 6 am and it had a duration of 3 and a half hours.

The cruise shipped out of Stockholm, heading towards Helsinki in Finland, then to Saint Petersburg, in Russia. Afterwards it set sail to Tallinn in Estonia and finally to Riga in Latvia. We stayed one day in each city, except for Saint Petersburg, where we spent two days.

I knew beforehand that it would be cold in those countries, therefore, I packed autumnal clothes and a couple of summery ones, just in case it was warm on any of those days. Before going I also did a research of each country's history.

Saint Petersburg was my favourite city due to the marvels of  all the monuments. I walked down Nevsky Prospekt - a long and commercial avenue, I saw The Winter Palace and The Hermitage Museum. I stood in The Red Square, where during soviet times it was illegal for a civillian to stand on. I also saw The Aurora Warship, which had been responsible for firing the cannon in 1917, which gave the signal to the soldiers of the revolution to invade The Winter's Palace where the tzar and his family used to live.

I loved every single day of the trip because I got to see a lot of interesting sights and monuments in different countries and I also loved the cruise ship because of all the amenities it offered. I felt incredibly blessed and happy for having the opportunity to travel this much. Today I still remember all the facts that I learned while I was abroad and I still cherish all the memories that I created.
Rita Cunha
11º B

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