sábado, 9 de janeiro de 2016

MY TRIP TO SERRA DA ESTRELA, by Mariana Mota, nº 19, 11º C

Eight years ago I went to Serra da Estrela with my sister, her husband and my niece. I was thrilled because I have always loved the cold and I had never seen snow before!
Before my journey I packed everything I thought it could be useful and that could help me during my time in the snow, like plastic bags, for example, since I had read that putting them on top of my socks would keep my feet warm and dry, and that proved to be really effective.
We travelled by car. It was a long journey but also very funny because we were all singing and giggling on the way there. I had very high expectations and I didn't want to feel disappointed once we got there, and fortunately that didn't happen.

The view was breathtaking, I couldn'y believe how high the mountains were; everything was white and I couldn't stop thinking that I might have entered Narnia, I was completely blown away.
We stayed in a little cottage near the Bread Museum and cooked all our meals at home. Local people were very welcoming and helped us with everything we needed.
We visited all the local attractions and obviously had a lot of fun in the snow, which included snow ball fights that ended up being my favourite activity during our time there.
During those days I had lots of new experiences and gained a few knowledge about living in a place like that.
Unfortunately my niece got ill and we had to come home earlier, but it still was an amazing journey and I have unforgettable memories from that time.

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