domingo, 15 de novembro de 2015

Terror strikes again. Let us show we aren't afraid!

Attacks in Paris

Some questions

1 comentário:

  1. Although this second attack is a big lost for all the families and friends of the persons who got killed by these terrorists, I'm not here to talk about this particular attack but about all the attacks that had been happening in others countries around the world.
    Between 2014 and 2015, 452 persons were killed by the Islamic State in more than 10 famous countries like Paris, Egipt, Burkina Faso and several others. With this attacks they can provoke fear and panic in the population essentially in Europe and USA. In my opinion, with their retrograde fanaticism they can impose mistrust in people's minds about the tomorrow future and all the muslims.
    We can't continues living like this anymore, with distrust and fear about start walking on the streets without getting killed by them or if those muslims we know have a life like ours are going to kill us or not. I'm against this feeling and I hope we can to stop this as quick as possible.

    Diogo Henriques 10ºA nº8
