In my opinion Isaac Asimov was a true visionary . Not only by the way in the year of 1964 he described how our life would be in 2014 but also because how he looked into technology in a time of cold war . The way he described how our life would be now just shows us his high level of intelligence and preocupation about man kind . While you read the document you understand that most of the problems that will exist in 2014 have a huge past . The last paragraph of the document transmits an important message . When we look in to nowadays' society with the huge economic and financial crises happening , the word "work" is considered the key to our economic success but we all now that this topic passes through policy measures. As he says , society is now living in an enforced leisure . Basically , technology as so much importance now and sometimes steals you so many daily tasks that you end up seeing yourself looking at a big white wall.
In my opinion I think it's amazing for somebody to describe this world in next 50 years and hit most part of aspects proposed. The wrong predictions were close to reality. In one hand, we have vehicles with "robots-brains" which are very close to reality that Isaac Asimov described because nowadays there are cars which can automatically park. In the other hand, I think that we are far away for having cars which will maneuver in crowds at the two-foot level. In conclusion, it would be great if the world could be like Asimov described because life would be much easier for all human beings.
Isaac Asimov was able topredict quite accurately the way 2014 would be 40 years ago. He described it in a more advanced, he imagined there would be overcars and a colony in the moon by now but aside from that he hit jackpot with h is prediction
Isaac Asimov had a great perspective for the future as he could predict how tecnology and science would evolve, althoug he failed in predicting how we would use tecnology, as he wasn't a politician, he couldn't think like one,so his interpretation of the future was from a view of someone who only thinks of progress for humanity, not just self proclamation,or some other selfish goal. In the end Isaac Asimov had a great perspective for the future, scientifically accurate, althoug as he didn't take in consideation all the factors he couldn't predict accuratelly the aplication of tecnology lather on in the future.
Isaac Asimov had a great perspective for the future as he could predict how tecnology and science would evolve, althoug he failed in predicting how we would use tecnology, as he wasn't a politician, he couldn't think like one,so his interpretation of the future was from a view of someone who only thinks of progress for humanity, not just self proclamation,or some other selfish goal. In the end Isaac Asimov had a great perspective for the future, scientifically accurate, althoug as he didn't take in consideation all the factors he couldn't predict accuratelly the aplication of tecnology lather on in the future.
Eventhough I think he might of over reacted, he was a true visionary and gave us a scary ideaof what our future could be. That idea corresponds parcially with our present. We might have an other point of view, we concentrate on other things and, even in technology, there are other goals, still, we are small peaces in a living game being quetioned by technology. I, personally, think that he overreacted and was way futuristic and critative and I dont think we will do some things he imagined because, whatever is made form now on, will be more inteligent, fast, thought and more intensively. it's an interesting point of view and you can really think about it, specially because some predictons are close to reality, 50 years after.
I'm not a specialist in science or human evolution, but in my opinion, Asimov in his 'prediction' was being over positive, in the mater of science evolution as we can notice when he writes '' I suspect one of the major attractions of the 2014 fair will be rides on small roboticized cars which will maneuver in crowds at the two-foot level, neatly and automatically avoiding each other.". In Portugal we are not such an advanced countrie as U.S. or England, so we shouldn't expect Asimov's description to 'fit in' with us, but, comparing to U.S. His description is nearly a hundred percent true, with some exaggerated aspects that don't fit into nowadays reality. I was very surprised when he, a supposed science and technology supporter, writes ''One can go on indefinitely in this happy extrapolation, but all is not rosy." because I thought it was very humble admitting that there are serious troubles and weaknesses in Technology and Science. I agree. in my opinion, men creates and surrounds him with Technology to make himself stronger, but it is only getting more fragile. For now, and I'm aware of my ignorance, I think the greatest philosophy for people's happiness is 'The simple, The better'! If I could, I would go to 'The Shire' and live in a Hobbit-hole with a potatoes garden and a round door, in harmony with trees and birds without technology. But I cannot abandon my city-family so, I'll try to live in this robotic world where the 'most glorious word (...) will have become: Work!' Duarte Benard, nº11, 10ºL
Isaac Asimov in my opinion has a brilliant mind face his version towards the future society. Along his texto he was able to describe a society that has left herself to be consumed by techonology one thing that worked in our favor as against. At the beginning I thought that Isaac Asimov imagined ourselves as lazy beings who wanted to be replaced with "robot brains" and take the rest of their lives as prisoners of pure pleasure , but with the passage of the text I did realized that he could also take us into account for how large imaginary our mines can be and that we would also do anything to overcome ourselves. Considering myself as a ignorant and an experience of teh world in wich I live today I can`t tell if I can settle myself with the fact that we have been so predictable about our future after 50 years.
In my opinion Isaac Asimov was a genius with a brilliant mind that could see the future farther than the others. When I was reading this text I saw that he, through deep thoughts I think, could see that the society was easily being consumed by technology and that could worked against us or in our favor nobody could know. When I said that he could see farther than the others it was true because everyone can dream about robots really who didn't dream one single time about it? But he could see something that we couldn't, he thought that in 50 years robots would look like humans, and he was right about that, but he could see also that Windows would be polarized to keep the harsh sunlight out and that was what happened. At the beginning was really easy to though that Isaac Asimov was saying that we would live our lives as prisoners of the technology and pleasure but he really make me see that he show us how bright and imaginary our minds can be and that we can overcome ourselves creating new things that can help anyone. So for me this man is really genius because anyone can predict what will happen in 50 years but he was much more deep in the question and almost all things that he predict were right and that's amazing who would think about this and who would know that it would come true, and who knows maybe the things that are wrong now maybe they will be right in 50 years maybe? With this text he taught us that we're are capable to do whatever we want and we all have a brilliant mind too so we can create wonderful things in the future, we can't never underestimate a human mind.
In my opinion Isaac’s prediction to the future was impressive. He was right in many things, like when he said “men will continue to withdraw from nature in order to create an environment that will suit them better” because it’s true that men want to take control of everything to improve their lives. As it happened in the past, it continues to the present and will certainly happen in the future too. But this persistence and continual desire is the reason for a lot of discoveries, such as Isaac Asimov predicted. There are some ideas that don’t fit in, nowadays, like moon colonies, but aside from that some machines are programmed to cook several dishes, underground houses’ are common, communications have evolved a lot so that you can study, read a book and much more on a screen, as he had imagined. It’s amazing how the technology can improve in 50 years and the similarities from his description to what actually ended up happening.
I think that Isaac Asimov was a clever men because he was able to write what the world would be in 2014, in 1974. He wrote about the social and economic problems that are effecting people know and he managed to see what the technology would be, given that in 1974 the technology was far away from what it is today.
Isaac Asimov was a true visionary. He predicted the far future with some minor mistakes but he predicted the important things accurately.
One of the most interesting things that he states, in my opinion, is how we - mankind - would continue to "enslave" Nature to serve our needs, in his words: "men will continue to withdraw from nature in order to create an environment that will suit them better". Isn't this concept seriously messed up? It has been fifty years since these words were expressed, and have we changed our manners? No! Our actions haven't evolved. We continue to look upon Earth as a rechargeable environment when we know for sure it is not like this. We are a selfish species, we only look around when things go sour and we never blame ourselves, we always point the finger at whoever is more suitable. We don't care about anything other than us, and if this wasn't true we wouldn't be facing the consequences to our acts that we are facing now. Once again we put economic issues above environmental issues. We close our eyes upon the imminent and current destruction of our planet if someone waves money in our faces. If we were really the intelligent, clever and fully developed species we are suppose to be, wouldn't we change our actions so that our grandchildren can have a better future? My opinion is that mankind is a very shortsighted species. Twenty or forty years from now we will still be here (hopefully), yet we don't care, we procrastinate the changes so that we can have a worry-free present. (to be continued) Rita Cunha, nº 25 - 10ºB
Isaac Asimov also predicted that there would be 6 500 000 000 human being inhabiting Earth in 2014, the reality is close to his guess. We are 7 billion people using up Earth's resources, and the truth is, we simply don't have enough! This creates a very unequal distribution of natural resources, wealth and access to basic structures. On one end of the scale we have the typical lower, middle and high classes and on the other hand we have thousands of people living with less than a dollar a day. Some of the privileged people own a share of wealth that is not fair when comparison to the rest of the world. What will we do if the population growth continues to head the way it has been heading? How will we feed ourselves? How will the less fortunate feed themselves? Will we have to suffer some kind of genetic mutation in order to make life less dependable on food and water? That is very unlikely, so we have to change the way we look at what we are given and most importantly what we do with what we get. Everyone that is able should donate something to a charity institution to decrease this discrepancy between poverty and wealth. (to be continued) Rita Cunha, nº 25 10º B
Asimov was also right about a lot of great things such as the role technology plays in our day-to-day life, how we now have precooked meals, how we have gadgets that do boring tasks for us among many other things.
Although, in my opinion, the bad things about our future are the hardest to predict. We never want bad things to happen to us, (at least not regular people) so we tend to push back the bad thoughts so we can have a good carefree life, but sweeping the problems under the rug or sugarcoating things won't change the inevitable future. The only thing it will do is steal away time to act from us.
I think we need to change, we need to start looking at the world as a bigger thing than us. When looking at the universe I feel small, we are nothing in the big vast and unknown space, we are nothing compared to the biodiversity we see on earth whether that life is intelligent or not. We are nothing compared to the breathtaking views we have from the fresh Amazonian forests, to the deep dynamic and alive mystery that is the ocean. We are nothing yet we treat ourselves as if we were the most important thing in any galaxy. We damage our only home in exchange for a million of dollars, we cut down trees, we make animals and plants go extinct for the simple pleasure of building houses, we contaminate our oceans in exchange for billions of dollars and we are making our home overheat, the problem being the inability to open up a window or turn on the air conditioning. We are dooming ourselves. We have all the data we need to know we are destroying Earth, yet we sit still, dross our arms and think "The next generation will deal with that!" and the next generation will do the same thing and one day will come when society looks back and asks "Where did we all go wrong?" and no one will be able to answer.
Asimov was a great visionary no doubt about that! He predicted very well how 2014 would be and got into deep detail about it. I liked the last paragraph the most , when he says that Work is the key for todays society . In the current days work is very improtant, without hard work we wont be able to reach our ambitious dreams/goals
Asimov was a true visionary because he had a good view of the evolution of technology and science. He made several predictions about how the world would be in the future, this happened in 2014 that although it wrong some of his predictions, many came to happen.
The first thing that goes through everyone's minds when they read this article is that it is truly fantastic and mind-blowing. This man, 50 years ago, was able to look into to the future and a lot of the things he predicted are correct! Which is amazing from my perspective. He was brilliant because if you just try to predict the future 50 years from now you would think about all the science fiction movies that you see nowadays... Cars flying around, robots vs humans, robots taking over mankind but then you think ''No, that's just fiction'' but who knows? In 50 years a lot of things can happen! And Isaac Asimov was brave enough to write about the future! Imagine how many people from his time would laugh in his face and say he was crazy. All because it's so extraordinary and advanced that regular people wouldn't be able to understand or see the world like he could and I think that we can call him a visionary for that. One aspect of his article that I really enjoyed was that he not only talked about positive advances of technology and mankind but he also spoke about negative aspects of the future like overpopulation and the fact that men would continue to withdraw from nature in order to create an environment that would suit them better. This shows he wasn’t afraid to speak his mind. The last paragraph says it all, the most important word for today’s society is ‘’work’’ and it’s true! Today everything is about work and people focus more and more on it which is another reason for us to disconnect from the rest. In conclusion, I really liked this article and it’s something very interesting and it really caught my attention.
Asimov was a brilliant thinker, we almost think he travelled in future with a time machine! I can imagine some things about the future but the way Asimov predicted things is very interesting. Most of them are true now, positive and negative ones. He was able to predict the bad and good things that we have nowadays, which demonstrates that he was not afraid to write what was going on his mind. Predicting the future is a really difficult thing. I think I can't imagine how the world will be in 2060. In this period of time a lot can happen, but we are not sure about everything. I was so impressed by this article because of the things he thought that are real now. I thought that predicting the future was quite impossible but Asimov was really able to do it, with no doubt! The most interesting thing, almost touching, is the last paragraph, which is so true! Work is the most important thing in our society! We can't live without it! Searching work after studying has become almost an obligation, as we can't live without money, and without work there is no money. The last paragraph was really my favourite, but the inventions he made in his mind were also really interesting and they let me think a lot about predicting the future. Who knows if there is another Isaac Asimov predicting the future and making it right?
After reading this article I realized that Isaac Asimov was a person who had a remarkable talent and intelligence capable of predict the headway of technology and several other things dependent on human race. In most instances his foreknowledge was correct, in fact, today his thoughts are a reality. One day, perhaps, the other fantastic and stunning images created within this brilliant mind will be possible and common. Although it may have been considered crazy or simply a madman is now considered a visionary and a man with a great capacity. When he writes that “The screen can be used not only to see the people you call but also for studying documents and photographs and reading passages from books” we are able to identify this situation as something seemingly obvious but if we go back 50 years it wouldn’t been so easily to think or talk about it. One the other hand ”Even so, mankind will suffer badly from the disease of boredom, a disease spreading more widely each year and growing in intensity. This will have serious mental, emotional and sociological consequences, and I dare say that psychiatry will be far and away the most important medical specialty in 2014” is an overstated example of the reality. I don’t think we are going through that disease, in fact, every second technology is taking a step forward giving us more and more entertainment and knowledge. Social networks, television, digital books and other stuff are efficient in that perspective. In conclusion, Isaac Isamov was tremendously brilliant speculating about boredom, wars, cook robots, smart vehicles and so on. As human race we must be watchful and attentive to the progress of things and to be careful about damages that can be caused by us. So I let you this last statement “One can go on indefinitely in this happy extrapolation, but all is not rosy”.
First things first I would like to point out how amazing Asimov's mind was! A true visionaire of our future back in the days. It is awesome how he managed to correctly predict how certain things would evolve and how relatively accurate he was on the numbers like the world population or how many people would the largest city accommodate.He was a very smart and wise man and I think we should definitely follow his footsteps and think about our future. There are many serious problems he pointed out like overpopulating our planet and relentlessly extracting resources from nature without moderation that must be looked into! Aside from that I was truly amazed on how he managed to say all of this in one single article 50 years ago!
In my point view Asimov was amazing because he was able to "predict" the future 50 years ahead. In his article he mentioned many technological devices/improvements wich are a reality now-a-days like the kitchen robots and the videochating but he also pushed it further when he talks about the "floating" vehicals without a human driver althought we are not very far from his prediction, I think. Concluding, in my opinion it's mind-blowing a person who can guess something so far from his time, and it's mentality wich very close to reality and manage to put it up in an article. Morgana Ribeiro nº22 9ºB
On my opinion, Isaac Asimov was a great man, because just with his way of thinking and intelligence he spelled the future. In a difference of 50 years he saw how life would be, and the most important is that we can see how much he believed in the evolution of humanity.
Isaac Asimov was a biochemist and science fiction author that wrote an essay predicting life on earth in 2014. He was truly a visionary of the world´s history predicting very accurately the impact that about 50 years later, the internet would have in our lives. Among other things I found amazing the similarities from his description on technology and the dependency that we developed from it. With all the things developed to facilitate our lives in so many different aspects, he also predicted that our society would became lazy and that is why he refers in the last paragraph that perhaps the most important word in 2014 it would be “work”. Yes I agree this is a very important word today because without really hard work it will be very difficult to reach our dreams.
I think Isaac Asimov was a visionary, but above all he was a true believer in the humanking. Who, in 1964, would predict how the world would be in 2014? Besides that, he was correct. He predicted many things like the appearance of robots and the increase of technonoly. But the humanking can´t became lazy. That is our greatest enemy, because it stops our development. And Isaac Asimov says that:" mankind will suffer badly from the disease of boredom". Althought, if we don´t fail on that trap the development of the humanking is a certain. And thatis how he finishes his assignment saying "work"
I think Isaac Asimov was a visionary, but above all he was a true believer in the humanking. Who, in 1964, would predict how the world would be in 2014? Besides that, he was correct. He predicted many things like the appearance of robots and the increase of technonoly. But the humanking can´t became lazy. That is our greatest enemy, because it stops our development. And Isaac Asimov says that:" mankind will suffer badly from the disease of boredom". Althought, if we don´t fail on that trap the development of the humanking is a certain. And thatis how he finishes his assignment saying "work"
In my opinion Isaac Asimov text about how he thinks that it would be 2014 World Fair shows that he was really idealistic about what the future beheld to them in 1964. With the tons of details that he gives all through the text for example the engines in the aircrafts, we can be sure that he did some research about it besides he wrote science fiction books, so he had a great imagination. But that great to predict a lot of true facts about our present? Beyond this we shouldn’t surrender to laziness because robots can replace us in our jobs so, if we stop having a job we won’t have money to buy stuff for our daily basis for example. We might lose our purpose to live, some of us won’t know what to do, others will get bored of doing nothing. Humankind needs to be aware that we must move to reach our dreams, and to don’t go through the easy way, in this case, the robots. Yes they can help us until a certain point where is too much. Isaac Asimov was a true visionary we could predict that would only happen 50 years later.
In my opinion, the knowledge of Isaac Asimov is very advanced for his time because he had predict a lot of thinks of the future like the Artificial Intelligence or the overpopulation. In addition to having anticipated all this events he also had predicted the consequences of it, whether they are good or bad. Miguel Sousa nº21 10ºC
I think that Isaac Asimov was a true visionary who could imagine that the world in 2014. He got a lot of things right most of things he got wrong were because of public pressure like moon colonies I think they'd be a thing by now if the Apollo program wasn't cancelled after Apollo 17. Diogo Nunes n°3 10°C
In my opinion Isaac Asimov was a visionary and an artist. I consider him an artist because he thought that his planet would have lots of things, things that made it a beautiful place. As the painter paints a work of art, a visionary paints his world and Asimov made it really well. He's also a great visionary, because almost everything he previewed are already here or we are not so far as some of us might think. He also knows what he is talking probably because he was a scientist. Isaac Asimov uses a lot of scientific terms that are correct in our time. In his article he talks about the existence of two fusion-power plants. Those plants don’t exist with the purpose of making power but for research. Another example of his visionary mind is the reference to "vehicles with Robot-brains", reference that now exists as Tesla self-driving car or Google self-driving car. But one of the most "mind blowing" things he said was that Earth population would be close to 6.500 million, what is in fact really close to the world population in 2014. He also said that the world would have difficulties with the over-population, which is happening in India and China. At the end, if we manage to keep our development rate, I think that in less than 50 years all he the things he said would exist. Therefore, and using his final word "work", work is what we have to do improve our society.
Isaac Asimov was truly a great visionary, for he had the ability to predict and, in some kind of way, limit the human capability of evolution and reproduction. I find his predictions not so as predictions, but as innovating ideas and opinions, since people might not think about such subjects. The word "work" on the end of the text is full of meanings that push past our understanding of what "work" is.
Isaac Asimov was a true visionary, not a fictionist. He had the extraordinary capacity to perdicted how world would be 50 years after 1974. A lot of predictions he made became real and they are present in our today life. The ones that didn´t became so real yet were mainly because of the cost/benefit relation, like for instance living massively underwater and moon colonies. On the contrary, nowadays we have machines that are programed to cook several meals and comunications evolved much more that he expected. According Isaac Asimov all future technologics developlments will have a tendency to cretate a society of enforced leisure with some boredame in the peoples life. I liked particularly the last part of the text when he says that persons with capacity and opportunityto have a creative work will be a true elite of mankind, because they will do much more than to be a slave of a machine. Inspite of all predictions that he made related with technologies to help people life, Work will be the key word in 2014.
Although Asimov overestimated some things like our source of electricity and underestimated things like the power of computers, he was able to predict our society 50 years later with surprising accuracy, which goes to show how much of a visionary he was. Four years later, in 2018 we do have the technology Asimov talked about, but I think we're not ready to implement all of it.
In my opinion, Isaac Asimov was very advanced for his time. He was able to predict how the world would be like in 50 years in a very accurate way. A lot of the issues that he described are indeed happening nowadays. He talks about renewable energy sources in a time when this ideas weren't really being considered. And for me the most incredible aspect about his prediction, is how he said that in 50 years the world would be absolutely ruled by technology, and it is.
In my opinion Isaac Asimov is partly right. In 1964 the world, society was quite different. 50 years ago the technology was not so advanced. Nowadays we have vehicles with "robot-brains" that are very close to the reality that Isaac Asimov described because nowadays there are cars that can already park automatically. On the other hand, I think we are far from having cars that will maneuver in crowds at the two-foot. In conclusion Isaac Asimov was quite correct about the future.
I really like the ahead of time thinking that Asimov had, he was a brilliant writer and was able to imagine what the future would be like in a way that it's really similar to the reality it is today. He wrote many things that are still being adapted today, to movies,etc, Wich proves his importance, he will probably be one of the most influential wirters of the 20th century and his legacy will prevail for many years to come. Gonçalo 10 D
In my opinion Isaac Asimov had an amazing ability to predict the future. The world is very different from the time he had lived and he still managed to make some good predictions. A lot of the things he preticted are indeed happening nowadays and if we take a look back at the year that he wrote his text many of the ideas he said weren't even being taken seriously or even being taken in consideration. He still had the ability to think about the world and the evolution of the human society and he was indeed a visionary
Isaac Asimov had one of the most incredible minds that the world has ever seen, and the prevision he did in 1964 of how the world would be in 2014 proved that with its remarkable accuracy. He was able to not just talk about how the technology would evolve but, also how the entire world would with it. He mentioned not only the advantages but also the disadvantages that technology might bring, and has indeed brought to our lives. For example, the fact that the world we live in is now so dependent on technology that it starts to affect people's emotional lives, Asimov said that in 2014 psychiatry would probably be by far one of the most important medical speciality; and he also said that the lucky few, the true elite of mankind would be the ones involved in creative work, because they won't have to serve a machine. These examples are what truly made me be amazed by Isaac Asimov's accuracy and mind.
In my point of view Isaac Asimov was a visionary because the way that thought about the future and tecnhology evoluction is amazing. Other reason to think that he was a visionary is the fact the he actually was right in some predictions that he made for example he said that in 2014 will exist some robots but this robots won´t be very good. Today we can say that he was right about it. In conclude I want to say that is true Isaac Asimov wasn´t right about all predictions and some of them maybe never will be concretized but his vision of the world and the evoluction is absolutely fantastic.
The almost flawless way Isaac Asimov describes the future is fascinating. His ideas aren't too far from the truth nowadays and he doesn't talk about ridiculously complicated technological changes. The way he describes not only advantages but also disadvantages of the technological evolution proves that he had somewhat of an idea of actual reality and didn't get easily carried away by fantasy. He was a truly smart man and a very influential author and I believe the predictions he didn't get right will come true in the "near" future. The way Isaac Asimov viewed the future is truly fascinating and surprisingly accurate.
In my opinion Isaac Asimov was a true visionary . Not only by the way in the year of 1964 he described how our life would be in 2014 but also because how he looked into technology in a time of cold war .
ResponderEliminarThe way he described how our life would be now just shows us his high level of intelligence and preocupation about man kind . While you read the document you understand that most of the problems that will exist in 2014 have a huge past .
The last paragraph of the document transmits an important message . When we look in to nowadays' society with the huge economic and financial crises happening , the word "work" is considered the key to our economic success but we all now that this topic passes through policy measures.
As he says , society is now living in an enforced leisure . Basically , technology as so much importance now and sometimes steals you so many daily tasks that you end up seeing yourself looking at a big white wall.
Francisco Figueiredo nº13 10ºL
In my opinion I think it's amazing for somebody to describe this world in next 50 years and hit most part of aspects proposed.
ResponderEliminarThe wrong predictions were close to reality. In one hand, we have vehicles with "robots-brains" which are very close to reality that Isaac Asimov described because nowadays there are cars which can automatically park. In the other hand, I think that we are far away for having cars which will maneuver in crowds at the two-foot level.
In conclusion, it would be great if the world could be like Asimov described because life would be much easier for all human beings.
Isaac Asimov was able topredict quite accurately the way 2014 would be 40 years ago. He described it in a more advanced, he imagined there would be overcars and a colony in the moon by now but aside from that he hit jackpot with h is prediction
ResponderEliminarLeonor Alves
Isaac Asimov had a great perspective for the future as he could predict how tecnology and science would evolve, althoug he failed in predicting how we would use tecnology, as he wasn't a politician, he couldn't think like one,so his interpretation of the future was from a view of someone who only thinks of progress for humanity, not just self proclamation,or some other selfish goal.
ResponderEliminarIn the end Isaac Asimov had a great perspective for the future, scientifically accurate, althoug as he didn't take in consideation all the factors he couldn't predict accuratelly the aplication of tecnology lather on in the future.
Isaac Asimov had a great perspective for the future as he could predict how tecnology and science would evolve, althoug he failed in predicting how we would use tecnology, as he wasn't a politician, he couldn't think like one,so his interpretation of the future was from a view of someone who only thinks of progress for humanity, not just self proclamation,or some other selfish goal.
ResponderEliminarIn the end Isaac Asimov had a great perspective for the future, scientifically accurate, althoug as he didn't take in consideation all the factors he couldn't predict accuratelly the aplication of tecnology lather on in the future.
Eventhough I think he might of over reacted, he was a true visionary and gave us a scary ideaof what our future could be. That idea corresponds parcially with our present. We might have an other point of view, we concentrate on other things and, even in technology, there are other goals, still, we are small peaces in a living game being quetioned by technology. I, personally, think that he overreacted and was way futuristic and critative and I dont think we will do some things he imagined because, whatever is made form now on, will be more inteligent, fast, thought and more intensively. it's an interesting point of view and you can really think about it, specially because some predictons are close to reality, 50 years after.
ResponderEliminarMarta Lontrao
I'm not a specialist in science or human evolution, but in my opinion, Asimov in his 'prediction' was being over positive, in the mater of science evolution as we can notice when he writes '' I suspect one of the major
ResponderEliminarattractions of the 2014 fair will be rides on small roboticized cars which will maneuver in crowds at the two-foot level, neatly and automatically avoiding each other.". In Portugal we are not such an advanced countrie as U.S. or England, so we shouldn't expect Asimov's description to 'fit in' with us, but, comparing to U.S. His description is nearly a hundred percent true, with some exaggerated aspects that don't fit into nowadays reality.
I was very surprised when he, a supposed science and technology supporter, writes ''One can go on indefinitely in this happy extrapolation, but all is not rosy." because I thought it was very humble admitting that there are serious troubles and weaknesses in Technology and Science. I agree. in my opinion, men creates and surrounds him with Technology to make himself stronger, but it is only getting more fragile. For now, and I'm aware of my ignorance, I think the greatest philosophy for people's happiness is 'The simple, The better'! If I could, I would go to 'The Shire' and live in a Hobbit-hole with a potatoes garden and a round door, in harmony with trees and birds without technology. But I cannot abandon my city-family so, I'll try to live in this robotic world where the 'most glorious word (...) will have become: Work!'
Duarte Benard, nº11, 10ºL
Isaac Asimov in my opinion has a brilliant mind face his version towards the future society.
ResponderEliminarAlong his texto he was able to describe a society that has left herself to be consumed by techonology one thing that worked in our favor as against.
At the beginning I thought that Isaac Asimov imagined ourselves as lazy beings who wanted to be replaced with "robot brains" and take the rest of their lives as prisoners of pure pleasure , but with the passage of the text I did realized that he could also take us into account for how large imaginary our mines can be and that we would also do anything to overcome ourselves.
Considering myself as a ignorant and an experience of teh world in wich I live today I can`t tell if I can settle myself with the fact that we have been so predictable about our future after 50 years.
Joana Rocha nº19 ,10ºB
In my opinion Isaac Asimov was a genius with a brilliant mind that could see the future farther than the others.
ResponderEliminarWhen I was reading this text I saw that he, through deep thoughts I think, could see that the society was easily being consumed by technology and that could worked against us or in our favor nobody could know.
When I said that he could see farther than the others it was true because everyone can dream about robots really who didn't dream one single time about it? But he could see something that we couldn't, he thought that in 50 years robots would look like humans, and he was right about that, but he could see also that Windows would be polarized to keep the harsh sunlight out and that was what happened.
At the beginning was really easy to though that Isaac Asimov was saying that we would live our lives as prisoners of the technology and pleasure but he really make me see that he show us how bright and imaginary our minds can be and that we can overcome ourselves creating new things that can help anyone.
So for me this man is really genius because anyone can predict what will happen in 50 years but he was much more deep in the question and almost all things that he predict were right and that's amazing who would think about this and who would know that it would come true, and who knows maybe the things that are wrong now maybe they will be right in 50 years maybe?
With this text he taught us that we're are capable to do whatever we want and we all have a brilliant mind too so we can create wonderful things in the future, we can't never underestimate a human mind.
Maria Rodrigues nº22, 10ºB
In my opinion Isaac’s prediction to the future was impressive. He was right in many things, like when he said “men will continue to withdraw from nature in order to create an environment that will suit them better” because it’s true that men want to take control of everything to improve their lives. As it happened in the past, it continues to the present and will certainly happen in the future too. But this persistence and continual desire is the reason for a lot of discoveries, such as Isaac Asimov predicted.
ResponderEliminarThere are some ideas that don’t fit in, nowadays, like moon colonies, but aside from that some machines are programmed to cook several dishes, underground houses’ are common, communications have evolved a lot so that you can study, read a book and much more on a screen, as he had imagined.
It’s amazing how the technology can improve in 50 years and the similarities from his description to what actually ended up happening.
Beatriz Fonseca nº9, 10ºB
I think that Isaac Asimov was a clever men because he was able to write what the world would be in 2014, in 1974.
ResponderEliminarHe wrote about the social and economic problems that are effecting people know and he managed to see what the technology would be, given that in 1974 the technology was far away from what it is today.
Diogo Coelho nº8, 10ºE
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
ResponderEliminarIsaac Asimov was a true visionary. He predicted the far future with
ResponderEliminarsome minor mistakes but he predicted the important things accurately.
One of the most interesting things that he states, in my opinion, is
how we - mankind - would continue to "enslave" Nature to serve our
needs, in his words: "men will continue to withdraw from nature in
order to create an environment that will suit them better". Isn't this
concept seriously messed up? It has been fifty years since these words
were expressed, and have we changed our manners? No! Our actions
haven't evolved. We continue to look upon Earth as a rechargeable
environment when we know for sure it is not like this. We are a
selfish species, we only look around when things go sour and we never
blame ourselves, we always point the finger at whoever is more
suitable. We don't care about anything other than us, and if this
wasn't true we wouldn't be facing the consequences to our acts that we
are facing now. Once again we put economic issues above environmental
issues. We close our eyes upon the imminent and current destruction of
our planet if someone waves money in our faces. If we were really the
intelligent, clever and fully developed species we are suppose to be,
wouldn't we change our actions so that our grandchildren can have a
better future? My opinion is that mankind is a very shortsighted
species. Twenty or forty years from now we will still be here
(hopefully), yet we don't care, we procrastinate the changes so that
we can have a worry-free present.
(to be continued) Rita Cunha, nº 25 - 10ºB
Isaac Asimov also predicted that there would be 6 500 000 000 human
ResponderEliminarbeing inhabiting Earth in 2014, the reality is close to his guess. We
are 7 billion people using up Earth's resources, and the truth is, we
simply don't have enough! This creates a very unequal distribution of
natural resources, wealth and access to basic structures. On one end
of the scale we have the typical lower, middle and high classes and on
the other hand we have thousands of people living with less than a
dollar a day. Some of the privileged people own a share of wealth that
is not fair when comparison to the rest of the world. What will we do
if the population growth continues to head the way it has been
heading? How will we feed ourselves? How will the less fortunate feed
themselves? Will we have to suffer some kind of genetic mutation in
order to make life less dependable on food and water? That is very
unlikely, so we have to change the way we look at what we are given
and most importantly what we do with what we get. Everyone that is
able should donate something to a charity institution to decrease this
discrepancy between poverty and wealth.
(to be continued) Rita Cunha, nº 25 10º B
Asimov was also right about a lot of great things such as the role
ResponderEliminartechnology plays in our day-to-day life, how we now have precooked
meals, how we have gadgets that do boring tasks for us among many
other things.
Although, in my opinion, the bad things about our future are the
hardest to predict. We never want bad things to happen to us, (at
least not regular people) so we tend to push back the bad thoughts so
we can have a good carefree life, but sweeping the problems under the
rug or sugarcoating things won't change the inevitable future. The
only thing it will do is steal away time to act from us.
I think we need to change, we need to start looking at the world as a
bigger thing than us. When looking at the universe I feel small, we
are nothing in the big vast and unknown space, we are nothing compared
to the biodiversity we see on earth whether that life is intelligent
or not. We are nothing compared to the breathtaking views we have from
the fresh Amazonian forests, to the deep dynamic and alive mystery
that is the ocean. We are nothing yet we treat ourselves as if we were
the most important thing in any galaxy. We damage our only home in
exchange for a million of dollars, we cut down trees, we make animals
and plants go extinct for the simple pleasure of building houses, we
contaminate our oceans in exchange for billions of dollars and we are
making our home overheat, the problem being the inability to open up a
window or turn on the air conditioning. We are dooming ourselves. We
have all the data we need to know we are destroying Earth, yet we sit
still, dross our arms and think "The next generation will deal with
that!" and the next generation will do the same thing and one day will
come when society looks back and asks "Where did we all go wrong?" and
no one will be able to answer.
Rita Cunha nº25, 10ºB
Asimov was a great visionary no doubt about that! He predicted very well how 2014 would be and got into deep detail about it.
ResponderEliminarI liked the last paragraph the most , when he says that Work is the key for todays society .
In the current days work is very improtant, without hard work we wont be able to reach our ambitious dreams/goals
Tomas Mendes nº28 10ºA
Asimov was a true visionary because he had a good view of the evolution of technology and science. He made several predictions about how the world would be in the future, this happened in 2014 that although it wrong some of his predictions, many came to happen.
ResponderEliminarFilipa Figueiredo nº11 10ºA
The first thing that goes through everyone's minds when they read this article is that it is truly fantastic and mind-blowing. This man, 50 years ago, was able to look into to the future and a lot of the things he predicted are correct! Which is amazing from my perspective.
ResponderEliminarHe was brilliant because if you just try to predict the future 50 years from now you would think about all the science fiction movies that you see nowadays... Cars flying around, robots vs humans, robots taking over mankind but then you think ''No, that's just fiction'' but who knows? In 50 years a lot of things can happen! And Isaac Asimov was brave enough to write about the future! Imagine how many people from his time would laugh in his face and say he was crazy. All because it's so extraordinary and advanced that regular people wouldn't be able to understand or see the world like he could and I think that we can call him a visionary for that.
One aspect of his article that I really enjoyed was that he not only talked about positive advances of technology and mankind but he also spoke about negative aspects of the future like overpopulation and the fact that men would continue to withdraw from nature in order to create an environment that would suit them better. This shows he wasn’t afraid to speak his mind.
The last paragraph says it all, the most important word for today’s society is ‘’work’’ and it’s true! Today everything is about work and people focus more and more on it which is another reason for us to disconnect from the rest.
In conclusion, I really liked this article and it’s something very interesting and it really caught my attention.
Ana Carolina nº1 10ºA
Asimov was a brilliant thinker, we almost think he travelled in future with a time machine! I can imagine some things about the future but the way Asimov predicted things is very interesting. Most of them are true now, positive and negative ones. He was able to predict the bad and good things that we have nowadays, which demonstrates that he was not afraid to write what was going on his mind.
ResponderEliminarPredicting the future is a really difficult thing. I think I can't imagine how the world will be in 2060. In this period of time a lot can happen, but we are not sure about everything.
I was so impressed by this article because of the things he thought that are real now. I thought that predicting the future was quite impossible but Asimov was really able to do it, with no doubt!
The most interesting thing, almost touching, is the last paragraph, which is so true! Work is the most important thing in our society! We can't live without it! Searching work after studying has become almost an obligation, as we can't live without money, and without work there is no money.
The last paragraph was really my favourite, but the inventions he made in his mind were also really interesting and they let me think a lot about predicting the future. Who knows if there is another Isaac Asimov predicting the future and making it right?
Bianca Varela, nº4, 10ºA
After reading this article I realized that Isaac Asimov was a person who had a remarkable talent and intelligence capable of predict the headway of technology and several other things dependent on human race.
ResponderEliminarIn most instances his foreknowledge was correct, in fact, today his thoughts are a reality. One day, perhaps, the other fantastic and stunning images created within this brilliant mind will be possible and common. Although it may have been considered crazy or simply a madman is now considered a visionary and a man with a great capacity. When he writes that “The screen can be used not only to see the people you call but also for studying documents and photographs and reading passages from books” we are able to identify this situation as something seemingly obvious but if we go back 50 years it wouldn’t been so easily to think or talk about it. One the other hand ”Even so, mankind will suffer badly from the disease of boredom, a disease spreading more widely each year and growing in intensity. This will have serious mental, emotional and sociological consequences, and I dare say that psychiatry will be far and away the most important medical specialty in 2014” is an overstated example of the reality. I don’t think we are going through that disease, in fact, every second technology is taking a step forward giving us more and more entertainment and knowledge. Social networks, television, digital books and other stuff are efficient in that perspective.
In conclusion, Isaac Isamov was tremendously brilliant speculating about boredom, wars, cook robots, smart vehicles and so on. As human race we must be watchful and attentive to the progress of things and to be careful about damages that can be caused by us. So I let you this last statement “One can go on indefinitely in this happy extrapolation, but all is not rosy”.
Joana Casanova nº14 10ºA
First things first I would like to point out how amazing Asimov's mind was! A true visionaire of our future back in the days. It is awesome how he managed to correctly predict how certain things would evolve and how relatively accurate he was on the numbers like the world population or how many people would the largest city accommodate.He was a very smart and wise man and I think we should definitely follow his footsteps and think about our future. There are many serious problems he pointed out like overpopulating our planet and relentlessly extracting resources from nature without moderation that must be looked into! Aside from that I was truly amazed on how he managed to say all of this in one single article 50 years ago!
ResponderEliminarJoão Pereira nº15 10ºA
In my point view Asimov was amazing because he was able to "predict" the future 50 years ahead. In his article he mentioned many technological devices/improvements wich are a reality now-a-days like the kitchen robots and the videochating but he also pushed it further when he talks about the "floating" vehicals without a human driver althought we are not very far from his prediction, I think.
ResponderEliminarConcluding, in my opinion it's mind-blowing a person who can guess something so far from his time, and it's mentality wich very close to reality and manage to put it up in an article.
Morgana Ribeiro nº22 9ºB
Aqui esta o meu comentario....
ResponderEliminarEva Falcato 10 A N.9
On my opinion, Isaac Asimov was a great man, because just with his way of thinking and intelligence he spelled the future.
In a difference of 50 years he saw how life would be, and the most important is that we can see how much he believed in the evolution of humanity.
Isaac Asimov was a biochemist and science fiction author that wrote an essay predicting life on earth in 2014. He was truly a visionary of the world´s history predicting very accurately the impact that about 50 years later, the internet would have in our lives. Among other things I found amazing the similarities from his description on technology and the dependency that we developed from it. With all the things developed to facilitate our lives in so many different aspects, he also predicted that our society would became lazy and that is why he refers in the last paragraph that perhaps the most important word in 2014 it would be “work”. Yes I agree this is a very important word today because without really hard work it will be very difficult to reach our dreams.
ResponderEliminarBeatriz Domingues, nº3, 10ºA
I think Isaac Asimov was a visionary, but above all he was a true believer in the humanking. Who, in 1964, would predict how the world would be in 2014?
ResponderEliminarBesides that, he was correct. He predicted many things like the appearance of robots and the increase of technonoly.
But the humanking can´t became lazy. That is our greatest enemy, because it stops our development. And Isaac Asimov says that:" mankind will suffer badly from the disease of boredom". Althought, if we don´t fail on that trap the development of the humanking is a certain. And thatis how he finishes his assignment saying "work"
Guilherme Reis nº8 10ºC
I think Isaac Asimov was a visionary, but above all he was a true believer in the humanking. Who, in 1964, would predict how the world would be in 2014?
ResponderEliminarBesides that, he was correct. He predicted many things like the appearance of robots and the increase of technonoly.
But the humanking can´t became lazy. That is our greatest enemy, because it stops our development. And Isaac Asimov says that:" mankind will suffer badly from the disease of boredom". Althought, if we don´t fail on that trap the development of the humanking is a certain. And thatis how he finishes his assignment saying "work"
Guilherme Reis nº8 10ºC
In my opinion Isaac Asimov text about how he thinks that it would be 2014 World Fair shows that he was really idealistic about what the future beheld to them in 1964. With the tons of details that he gives all through the text for example the engines in the aircrafts, we can be sure that he did some research about it besides he wrote science fiction books, so he had a great imagination. But that great to predict a lot of true facts about our present? Beyond this we shouldn’t surrender to laziness because robots can replace us in our jobs so, if we stop having a job we won’t have money to buy stuff for our daily basis for example. We might lose our purpose to live, some of us won’t know what to do, others will get bored of doing nothing. Humankind needs to be aware that we must move to reach our dreams, and to don’t go through the easy way, in this case, the robots. Yes they can help us until a certain point where is too much.
ResponderEliminarIsaac Asimov was a true visionary we could predict that would only happen 50 years later.
Joana Formiga, n°11, 10°C
In my opinion, the knowledge of Isaac Asimov
ResponderEliminaris very advanced for his time because he had predict a lot of thinks of the future like the
Artificial Intelligence or the overpopulation.
In addition to having anticipated all this events he also had predicted the consequences of it, whether they are good or bad.
Miguel Sousa nº21 10ºC
I think that Isaac Asimov was a true visionary who could imagine that the world in 2014.
ResponderEliminarHe got a lot of things right most of things he got wrong were because of public pressure like moon colonies I think they'd be a thing by now if the Apollo program wasn't cancelled after Apollo 17.
Diogo Nunes n°3 10°C
In my opinion Isaac Asimov was a visionary and an artist. I consider him an artist because he thought that his planet would have lots of things, things that made it a beautiful place. As the painter paints a work of art, a visionary paints his world and Asimov made it really well.
ResponderEliminarHe's also a great visionary, because almost everything he previewed are already here or we are not so far as some of us might think. He also knows what he is talking probably because he was a scientist. Isaac Asimov uses a lot of scientific terms that are correct in our time.
In his article he talks about the existence of two fusion-power plants. Those plants don’t exist with the purpose of making power but for research. Another example of his visionary mind is the reference to "vehicles with Robot-brains", reference that now exists as Tesla self-driving car or Google self-driving car.
But one of the most "mind blowing" things he said was that Earth population would be close to 6.500 million, what is in fact really close to the world population in 2014. He also said that the world would have difficulties with the over-population, which is happening in India and China.
At the end, if we manage to keep our development rate, I think that in less than 50 years all he the things he said would exist. Therefore, and using his final word "work", work is what we have to do improve our society.
Rui Fonseca
Isaac Asimov was truly a great visionary, for he had the ability to predict and, in some kind of way, limit the human capability of evolution and reproduction. I find his predictions not so as predictions, but as innovating ideas and opinions, since people might not think about such subjects. The word "work" on the end of the text is full of meanings that push past our understanding of what "work" is.
ResponderEliminarGuilherme Amaro N°7 10°C
Isaac Asimov was a true visionary, not a fictionist.
ResponderEliminarHe had the extraordinary capacity to perdicted how world would be 50 years after 1974. A lot of predictions he made became real and they are present in our today life.
The ones that didn´t became so real yet were mainly because of the cost/benefit relation, like for instance living massively underwater and moon colonies.
On the contrary, nowadays we have machines that are programed to cook several meals and comunications evolved much more that he expected.
According Isaac Asimov all future technologics developlments will have a tendency to cretate a society of enforced leisure with some boredame in the peoples life.
I liked particularly the last part of the text when he says that persons with capacity and opportunityto have a creative work will be a true elite of mankind, because they will do much more than to be a slave of a machine.
Inspite of all predictions that he made related with technologies to help people life, Work will be the key word in 2014.
Maria Madureira nº19 10ºC
ResponderEliminarAlthough Asimov overestimated some things like our source of electricity and underestimated things like the power of computers, he was able to predict our society 50 years later with surprising accuracy, which goes to show how much of a visionary he was.
Four years later, in 2018 we do have the technology Asimov talked about, but I think we're not ready to implement all of it.
In my opinion, Isaac Asimov was very advanced for his time. He was able to predict how the world would be like in 50 years in a very accurate way. A lot of the issues that he described are indeed happening nowadays. He talks about renewable energy sources in a time when this ideas weren't really being considered. And for me the most incredible aspect about his prediction, is how he said that in 50 years the world would be absolutely ruled by technology, and it is.
ResponderEliminarJoana Rebelo; 10ºD
In my opinion Isaac Asimov is partly right. In 1964 the world, society was quite different. 50 years ago the technology was not so advanced.
ResponderEliminarNowadays we have vehicles with "robot-brains" that are very close to the reality that Isaac Asimov described because nowadays there are cars that can already park automatically. On the other hand, I think we are far from having cars that will maneuver in crowds at the two-foot.
In conclusion Isaac Asimov was quite correct about the future.
Martina,10º D
EliminarI really like the ahead of time thinking that Asimov had, he was a brilliant writer and was able to imagine what the future would be like in a way that it's really similar to the reality it is today.
ResponderEliminarHe wrote many things that are still being adapted today, to movies,etc, Wich proves his importance, he will probably be one of the most influential wirters of the 20th century and his legacy will prevail for many years to come.
Gonçalo 10 D
ResponderEliminarIn my opinion Isaac Asimov had an amazing ability to predict the future. The world is very different from the time he had lived and he still managed to make some good predictions. A lot of the things he preticted are indeed happening nowadays and if we take a look back at the year that he wrote his text many of the ideas he said weren't even being taken seriously or even being taken in consideration. He still had the ability to think about the world and the evolution of the human society and he was indeed a visionary
ResponderEliminarNuno Dionisio n°25
Isaac Asimov had one of the most incredible minds that the world has ever seen, and the prevision he did in 1964 of how the world would be in 2014 proved that with its remarkable accuracy.
ResponderEliminarHe was able to not just talk about how the technology would evolve but, also how the entire world would with it. He mentioned not only the advantages but also the disadvantages that technology might bring, and has indeed brought to our lives. For example, the fact that the world we live in is now so dependent on technology that it starts to affect people's emotional lives, Asimov said that in 2014 psychiatry would probably be by far one of the most important medical speciality; and he also said that the lucky few, the true elite of mankind would be the ones involved in creative work, because they won't have to serve a machine. These examples are what truly made me be amazed by Isaac Asimov's accuracy and mind.
Leonor Aguilar nº 18 10ºD
In my point of view Isaac Asimov was a visionary because the way that thought about the future and tecnhology evoluction is amazing.
ResponderEliminarOther reason to think that he was a visionary is the fact the he actually was right in some predictions that he made for example he said that in 2014 will exist some robots but this robots won´t be very good. Today we can say that he was right about it.
In conclude I want to say that is true Isaac Asimov wasn´t right about all predictions and some of them maybe never will be concretized but his vision of the world and the evoluction is absolutely fantastic.
Maria Carvalho 10ºD Nº21
The almost flawless way Isaac Asimov describes the future is fascinating.
ResponderEliminarHis ideas aren't too far from the truth nowadays and he doesn't talk about ridiculously complicated technological changes.
The way he describes not only advantages but also disadvantages of the technological evolution proves that he had somewhat of an idea of actual reality and didn't get easily carried away by fantasy.
He was a truly smart man and a very influential author and I believe the predictions he didn't get right will come true in the "near" future.
The way Isaac Asimov viewed the future is truly fascinating and surprisingly accurate.