segunda-feira, 18 de março de 2013

Semana das Profissões

The professional life of José Nunes Liberato and Paula Soares

On February, 14 my class was invited to the Old Library to attend a presentation by the economist José Nunes Liberato and the lawyer Paula Soares.The two guests came to our school to talk about their present work and their professional careers.
The first one that took the floor was José Nunes Liberato. He told us he was very glad to be in our school because he was also a student here more than forty years ago. He informed us about some of the teachers that had a particular influence in his life at that time and told us about his journey since the time he left Lyceu de Camões until his current work as Head of the Civil House of the President of the Republic. Before his present functions he was in the European Parliament, in the Government and had other important jobs.
The second guest, Paula Soares, was not a student in Lyceu de Camões. She talked about her work as a lawyer and told us some stories about particular cases she has had.After their presentations, the two guests answered the questions made by the students.
These presentations were part of the so-called “Week of the Professions” where some well-known people from the portuguese society were invited to come to our school to talk about their professions.

by Marcelo Teles, 10º G
photos by José Alvega

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