Nobody gives value to Paralympic athletes but they are the true champions. It is important to realize that they strive more than the "normal" athletes they struggle for acceptance and admiration of all people. They have hope and will to do better and be better. I know some Paralympic athletes and I have the previlege of see them practicing and their effort to achieve their goals is admirable. They all have a common goal, to represent Portugal in the best way. They fight for them own but they fight even more for Portugal and all the Portuguese. We should be proud of them because they try their best to make us proud. Congratulations to all Paralympic athletes for their strength and courage. Liliya Umanets nº18 10ºB
Nobody gives value to Paralympic athletes but they are the true champions. It is important to realize that they strive more than the "normal" athletes they struggle for acceptance and admiration of all people. They have hope and will to do better and be better. I know some Paralympic athletes and I have the previlege of see them practicing and their effort to achieve their goals is admirable. They all have a common goal, to represent Portugal in the best way. They fight for them own but they fight even more for Portugal and all the Portuguese. We should be proud of them because they try their best to make us proud. Congratulations to all Paralympic athletes for their strength and courage. Liliya Umanets nº18 10ºB