quinta-feira, 8 de março de 2012

Last Friday our class went to a conference on Globalization, migration and traffic of humans for sexual exploitation. The main speaker, José van Der Kellen, began his speech by diving into the theme of globalization. Many topics were discussed within this theme. The first of these topics was when the globalization phenomenon had started. According to what was shown, people started to migrate in a large scale during The Discoveries and immediately after World War II. Globalization as we know it today is nothing more than the migration of people to countries like The United States or Europe. In fact, there are countries whose population is almost entirely composed by immigrants. An excellent example of that is the melting pot that are The United States of America. This process of migration has, however, led to many different problems, like illegal migrations or the traffic of humans for sexual exploitation. Despite these problems, there are countries that live out of the migration flux that goes through them and, as such, they have developed their own social models. The French model, for example, encouraged minorities to become a part of the dominant culture thus losing their identity. The English model, on the other hand, encourages minorities to integrate themselves in the dominant culture without losing their identity. Fernando Silva, the second speaker, discussed topics like the different security measures related to the migration phenomenon and the role of the Frontex Agency in these measures. During the conference two videos were shown: one demonstrated how to use electronic passports and the other alerted the audience towards the traffic of humans for sexual exploitation. João Fontes, 11º B Catarina Baptista, 11ºB Beatriz Simões, 11º B

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