sábado, 23 de abril de 2022



Nowadays, technology plays a very important role in our lives. Day by day we are surprised with new discoveries and experiments with extraordinary results. But isn't this situation getting out of control?

I believe that creating things like robots or microchips to put inside people's brains is for sure a big scientific development, but is it safe to merge a person with technology and interfere with the body's balance? I don't think scientists should manipulate what has been a human being for thousands of years.

Don't get me wrong! Of course, I agree that many technological developments are important for humankind. For example, in the medical field, more specifically in performing surgeries. Without technology, our lifespan would be much shorter because we wouldn't have enough resources to fight diseases and save people's lives.

What I don't agree with is the use of science to create another type of human being, with unlimited strength, wisdom and speed, because to do this scientists have to change people's genetics and implant microchips inside their brains.

We don't know the consequences of these actions and if they can lead to severe brain damage, behavioural change and way of thinking and interfere with our social interactions!

Why do I have this opinion? Because the brain is the main part of our body and it controls everything we do. Of course, in theory, the idea of creating a perfect version of a human is amazing, but making this a real thing is dangerous and unsafe.

In conclusion, I don't think the artificial human enhancement is the key to solving our problems and in my point of view, it will bring more negative than positive consequences.

text and illustration by Maria Margarida Nunes, nº 19, 10º B

terça-feira, 19 de abril de 2022

PROJECT WORKS -10th B (1st term)

made by :Ásia Galante

                Ana Pita

               Raquel Antunes


 made by: Guilherme Neves

                 Manuel Ferreira