quarta-feira, 13 de maio de 2015

1st Camões Creative Writing Contest Awards Ceremony

The  awards Ceremony took place on April, 29 at the Escola Secundária de Camões Auditorium. 
The Organizers of the Contest were the English teachers Ângela Lopes and José Mota.

 The award ceremony hosts and singers: Rita Pereira and João Figueira, 12º B, who sang "Lisboa que amanhece" (by Sérgio Godinho), "Lisboa e o Tejo" (by Mário Rainho and Fontes Rocha) and "Maria Lisboa" (by David Mourão-Ferreira and Alain Oulman) beautifully
 The Jury: English teachers Ângela Lopes, José Mota and Teresa Almeida

The theme: Through the river Tagus into the world

The award-winning short story was written by Maria Leonor Palminha Alves, 11º A. Follow the link and read it here

The Voyage